Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drug Addicts, Alcoholics And Voters

The majority of the American voters behave exactly like drug addicts or alcoholics.

Republicans and Democrats (we) have all but destroyed the America my generation grew up in.

The manufacturing base is gone, jobs are gone, benefits are gone, the middle class standard of living has been in steady decline for decades. More people are on food stamps and welfare today than ever before and the rate is spiraling out of control.

Presidents who have sworn an oath to enforce our laws openly declare in signing statements and political rhetoric that they will not enforce laws they don’t like…and Congress, the Supreme Court and the “news” media? Asleep at the wheel. Presidents start undeclared wars and no one bats an eye anymore. Presidents have American citizens killed without trail or due process and no one says a word. The President can now tap all of our communications and have our homes searched without a warrant. The President can now have you and I detained indefinitely (IE forever) without trial. The king…I mean the President can shut down television, radio and the Internet any time he declares a national emergency. Congress, the Supreme Court and the “news” media never do a thing to stop it. Worse than that….we the people don’t either.

Free markets are gone. The dollar has lost more than 95% of its value since Congress let the Federal Reserve “protect” its value. The 16 trillion dollar national debt will never be paid off in our lifetime and we keep running it up 1.5 trillion a year. Bankers and insurance companies gamble with our savings, retirement accounts even the value of our homes. When their gambles pay off they keep the profits. When their bets fail the American people cover their losses. We are told by Republicans and Democrats that we have to bail them out, they’re too big to fail. Former employees and lobbyists of these banks fill the Executive administration and the halls of Congress. The Federal Reserve secretly gives untold trillions of our dollars to foreign banks. And the President, Congress, the Supreme Court and the “news” media, like us, don’t lift a finger to stop it. We just keep voting for the Republicans and Democrats who make all this happen year after year.

All of this and dozens of more things I (You) could list are the direct result of the pervasive corruption in both the Democrat and Republican parties.

And yet we continue to vote them into power. Like an alcoholic reaching for another drink or a junkie picking up his needle and spoon we embrace what destroys us.

And when I vote independent, somehow I’m supposed to understand that I’m the one wasting my vote?

I’ll drink to that.

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