Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bernanke Prays - No Audit

In a speech on Monday in Indiana Ben Bernanke cautioned Congress against adopting a law that would allow it to review the Fed’s interest-rate policy discussions. The Federal Reserve is getting nervous...its a start.

Have you contacted your Senators demanding that they sponsor/vote for the Audit The Fed Bill (S-202) yet?

The constitutional authority to control the value of our currency is vested in Congress not the Federal Reserve which is a private corporation. Just because Congress abdicated this power to the Federal Reserve in 1913 does not excuse Congress from its responsibility for the value of our currency or lack thereof.

Congress can abolish the Federal Reserve any time it sees fit by repealing the Federal Reserve Act. I hope I live to see this happen, God bless America.

The power to manipulate interest rates is not granted to anyone in the Constitution and is in my view an unholy power no man or group of men should ever possess. The free market, if we had one, should dictate what interest rates are not a group of corrupt bankers that do so to make themselves rich and powerful.

Every year hundreds of people get run over by cars, trucks, buses and trains and every year its not Ben Bernanke. I am hopeful 2013 will be a better year.

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