Monday, October 8, 2012

Just Like Witches At Black Masses

In case there was any doubt in anyone’s mind, Romney will start a war with Iran, bank on it. Read the transcript of his foreign policy speech at Virginia Military Institute today, the link is below.

We can't afford any more wars any more than we can afford Obamacare or Medicare Part D. We can’t afford Democrats and Republicans!

Read the transcript. Romney is officially announcing he is a puppet for the military industrial complex. He is vowing to get us involved in Syria, grow our involvement in Libya and keep us in Afghanistan and Iraq. Is that War Pigs I hear playing in the background?

This election isn't about right or wrong for the Republicans and Democrats. This election is about who’s in charge of dishing out the 3 trillion dollars the federal government spends every year. It’s about whom gets to curry favor from the Central Banks, Wall Street, the military industrial complex etc by funneling the 3 trillion to them. Obama, Romney, Democrats, Republicans…they’re bag men for these institutions.

Romney WILL NOT balance the budget. He will run up the national debt and raise the debt ceiling the same as Obama has. He will further trash our economy and quite possibly collapse the dollar. But then…maybe that’s what he’s supposed to do. Maybe in the chaos that follows we’ll give up what remains of our liberty and property willingly like sheep.

Yes we can.

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