Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Get With The Program

Here's a new one for me. NSA's "Stellar Wind" aka "The Program." Just wire tap everyone's communications without a warrant or even a rational reason to. What the hell.

I suppose we weren't using that pesky old 4th Amendment anyways.

Stellar Wind was instituted by Bush/Cheney/Hayden/Tenet. And that kinda makes sense in a sad disgusting way, you'd expect as much from the neo-cons.

But shouldn't we expect something different from liberal Democrat Obama? Do you think Obama is doing anything about this Program? Watch the video, under Obama the warrant-less wiretaps and surveillance has increased dramatically. After having his posterior handed to him in the first debate Obama is now saying he wants to debate Romney on civil rights. The hypocrisy from the Obama administration is staggering and without parallel.

Ya think Romney will do anything about this if elected?

How much will it take before we the sheeple realize that the Republican and Democrat parties are criminal organizations and it is insane to vote for their candidates? Or are we still clinging to that fear of the other guy plan because we don't want to waste our vote? How's that working out so far?

Perhaps resistance is futile. Maybe its best to just get with The Program.

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